Denise L. Kaminsky

Children's Book Author

Our Biographies

Photo of Denise the author Photo of Denise the author Photo of Denise the author

Author's BIO

I have had a long history with children. I was a Reading Specialist and third grade teacher. Helping children develop a love for reading has been a priority. It is my hope that children will read my books, and they will become steppingstones to other books. I am the author of BABA'S BABUSHKA, eight children's books starring the Nittany Lion and a beginning to read book, THIS IS THE SEED.

Follow me on Facebook: Denise L Kaminsky — Author.

Photo of Jessie the artist Photo of Jessie the artist Photo of Jessie the artist

Illustrator's's BIO

Jessie graduated from Penn State ('06 EKED) and received a Master's of Science in Equity and Diversity in an Educational Setting from the University of Nevada at Reno. She has taught kindergarten through third grade and loves watching her students discover the joy of reading. Jessie is the illustrator of NITTANY LION GETS A BIG SURPRISE, NITTANY LION TELLS THE LEGEND OF PRINCESS NIT-A-NEE, NITTANY LION'S PENNSYLVANIA VACATION, as well as NITTANY LION AND EARTH DAY. She lives in Colorado and visits Happy Valley every year.

Photo of Jessie the artist Photo of Jessie the artist Photo of Jessie the artist

Illustrator's BIO

MK Brownlow is a Penn State grad, mom of three and art teacher of many who lives and draws amid the cornfields of Amish Country, PA.